2024 Dobinson King of the Strip Wrap Up
ing of the Strip 2024 is done and dusted and it was a very interesting event, we had a bomb threat which meant the whole event was evacuated for a few hours whilst Police inspected the property for any suspicious items. We also had the interruption with the weather and rained the track out a few times! But amongst all that we still mananged to get the Suzi out for a few runs and put down a 7.0 second flat 1/8 mile run just missing out on the fastest ET by 1 tenth putting us in 2nd place overall. We are very happy with the car it performed well and believe it still has a lot more left in it, massive thanks to all the companies who have been involved in this build and good to see it all coming together. We have now nominated for Brisbane Jamboree in the Street Compact class so now we will prepare for that and see what the Suzuki can do! It will be great to get down there amongst some of the fastest 4s and rotors in our country and compete against them.
It was also Great to see the passion from the young and upcoming car enthusiasts. It’s the local grass roots events that paves the way for motorsport into the future. When ever a young fan asks if they can grab a photo or sit in the car, we absolutely let them no questions asked because we were all that kid once and I personally remember how much it made my day when I got to sit in a "racecar" or get a photo. So it's great to be able to return the favour to these young rev heads.
We are racing next at the Garret Sport Compact Jamboree at Willowbank Raceway in August 24 - see you there!!!
Thanks to my sponsors!
MTQ Engine Systems Rockhampton
Al’s Race Glides
Mazfix Performance
Cheers Dave